Transparent acoustic screens

Reference Description Material Placement Max. length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm)
TRA 01 Absorbent-insulating panels PMMA Inside HEA structure 4000 2000 150
TRA 02 Absorbent-insulating panels PMMA Inside and in front of HEA structure 5000 2000 145 to 160
TR 01 Insulating panels PMMA In front of HEA structure 4000 2000 20
TR 02 Insulating panels PMMA Inside HEA structure 5000 2000 140

Absorbent-insulating panels

The panel consists of polymethacrylate (PMMA) plates inserted into an aluminum structure.

This tubular frame incorporates a mineral absorbent protected by a perforated metal sheet to absorb incident sound waves.

PMMA plates can be transparent, opaque, screen-printed and also colored.

After manufacture, the structure is thermo-painted by polyester powdering, completed, as an option, by an anti-graffiti treatment.

Tra01 Transparent

TRA 01

Panels slipped horizontally between HEA profiles.

Maximum length: 4000 mm // Maximum height: 2000 mm // Thickness: 150 mm

Composition :

  • Polymethacrylate methyl (PMMA) plates – different thicknesses, colors and finishes available
  • Aluminium structure thickness : 150 mm
  • Absorbent mineral wool integrated into the structure

Acoustical characteristics:

Laboratory values

  • Sound absorption: DLα,NRD = 6 dB according to EN 1793-1
  • Insulation: DLR = 31 dB according to EN 1793-2

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TRA 02

Panels slipped horizontally inside and in front of HEA profiles.

Maximum length: 5000 mm // Maximum height: 2000 mm // Thickness: 145 (inside) to 160 mm (in front of)

Composition :

  • Polymethacrylate methyl (PMMA) plates – different thicknesses, colors and finishes available
  • Aluminium structure thickness : 145 to 160 mm
  • Absorbent mineral wool integrated into the structure

Acoustical characteristics:

In situ values

  • Acoustical reflection: DLRI = up to 3 dB (depending on the number of vertical poles) according to EN 1793-5
  • Insulation in the middle of the panels: DLSI,E = 33 dB according to EN 1793-6
  • Insulation at the right of the poles: DLSI,P = 36 dB according to EN 1793-6

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Insulating panels

The panel consists of polymethacrylate (PMMA) plates that are either fixed between clamps (TR 01) or inserted into a tubular aluminum or steel frame, or slipped between HEA profiles (TR 02).

In both variants, appropriate clamps and EPDM seals ensure a perfect acoustic sealing.
PMMA plates can be transparent, opaque, screen-printed and also colored.

After manufacture, the aluminum structure of the TR 02 is thermo-painted by polyester powdering, completed, as an option, by an anti-graffiti treatment. In the case of a steel structure, it is previously hot-dip galvanized.

Tr01 Isolant Transparent

TR 01

Maximum length: 4000 mm // Maximum height: 2000 mm // Thickness: min. 20 mm

Composition :

  • Polymethacrylate methyl (PMMA) plates – different thicknesses, colors and finishes available

Acoustical characteristics:

Laboratory values

  • Insulation: DLR = 30 to 32 dB depending on the thickness of the plate according to EN 1793-2

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Tr02 Isolant Transparent

TR 02

Maximum length: 5000 mm // Maximum panel height: 2000 mm // Thickness: 140 mm

Composition :

  • Polymethacrylate methylate (PMMA) plates – different thicknesses, colors and finishes available
  • Aluminium or galvanized steel structure, thickness 140 mm

Acoustical characteristics:

In situ values

  • Insulation in the middle of the panels: DLSI,E = 33 dB according to EN 1793-6
  • Insulation at the right of the poles: DLSI,P = 29 dB according to EN 1793-6

Laboratory values

  • Insulation: DLR = 30 to 33 dB depending on the thickness of the plate according to EN 1793-2

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