Concrete-wood acoustic screens

Reference Description Material Placement Max. length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm)
HBB 01 Absorbent-insulating panels (corrugated) Concrete-wood Inside or in front of HEA structure 5000 2500 200 to 220
HBB 02 Absorbent-insulating panels (trapezoidal) Concrete-wood Inside or in front of HEA structure 5000 2500 220 to 240

Absorbent-insulating panels

Absorbent and insulating noise-absorbing screens composed of a concrete panel covered on one or two sides with highly absorbent slabs from a mixture of concrete and wood fibers.

For specific projects, we also make patterns or reliefs according to the expectations of our customers.

HBB 01 and 02

Ecrans Acoustiques Betonbois

The panels can be slipped between HEA profiles, or clapped in front of the structure.
Maximum length: 5000 mm // Maximum height: 2500 mm // Concrete thickness + slab: 200 to 240 mm.

Composition :

  • Reinforced concrete panel thickness 100 mm
  • Slabs (corrugated HBB 01, or trapezoidal HBB 02) composed of a mixture of concrete-wood and highly absorbent wood fibers
  • Absorbers available in natural finish or tinted in the mass, coloring density of 1 to 5%, colors available: green, yellow, gray, light brown, dark brown, red

Acoustical characteristics 

In situ values

  • Acoustical reflection: DLRI = 5 to 6 dB according to EN 1793-5
  • Insulation in the middle of the panels: DLSI,E = 40 to 62 dB according to EN 1793-6
  • Insulation at the right of the poles: DLSI,P = 33 to 47 dB according to EN 1793-6

Laboratory values

  • Sound absorption: DLα,NRD = 9 to 15 dB according to EN 1793-1

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